Apply for the Viborg Game Developers Microgrant!
Want to build a Prototype / Proof of concept, and a slick pitch for your game? We’re offering creatives and game developers a chance to get started on their game development journey with a 20.000 dkk microgrant, purely intended to help you keep the lights on and the fridge stocked while you work on a prototype and a pitch deck for your game idea.
The purpose of the grant is to:
- Foster the early growth of new game ideas in our local community.
- Empower newcomers to the industry, and give them an accessible springboard into further fundraising.
- Promote a broad diversity of ideas, stories and voices in the game industry as a whole.
Next Round
We’re currently fundraising for the first round of the VGDM. If you want to become a sponsor, please contact us!
Grant Round Timeline
1. Application Call and review
An online form opens for applications with a one month deadline.
Applications are reviewed by an independant and diverse jury.
2. Development!
You’ll be given the time you have requested to create the pitch and/or prototype in question. We’ll be available to give feedback throughout the period, but we won’t interfere.
3. Presentation and Accreditation
At the end of the development period, you’ll be expected to present your work to the jury, and, if you want, to the VGD Community at one of our events.
We ask you to credit us on all future iterations of your game project. Here’s our logo.
Pitch Deck Template (coming soon™️).
We’re asking applicants to produce a pitch deck for their game during the development period. You can design your own deck, or use/remix a template provided by us.
Current Jury (coming soon™️).
Q: Do I need to make functional prototype?
A: No! The important thing is that you develop material that communicates what your idea is, and how you plan to realise it.